
Sunday, September 9, 2007

"Happy Fall, Yall!"

David: "Are you kidding?"
Jessica: "No!"
David: "But it's not even fall yet."
Jessica: "Just help me get my decorations out, okay."


  1. You got me in the mood to put my fall decorations out. I'll think about doing that this week.

  2. I love it when you put commentary....

  3. Jessica there you are staying on top of the season's...another season soon to come, doesn't time pass so fast? But I'm ready for the cooler weather.

  4. You sound just like me. You can put those out after Labor Day. It is perfectly ok. I will be doing mine next week.

  5. Yay for fall! I love your decorations. One of the neighbor kids on our block asked me this weekend why I already had my scarecrow on the front porch. I told him it is practically fall already, and he just laughed (he is only about 8 years old!). I think September qualifies as fall.......and while I think my wicker pumpkins would look great on your porch, I am rather fond of them at my house. But I found them last season at Target. They even had really cool giant ones (but I was too cheap to buy those). Maybe this year!

  6. You are always so on top of things! I don't know how you find time to do everything. You're such an inspiration!

  7. you don't have to twist my arm! i am SO READY to get out my cute Halloween/fall stuff! that cool weather feels SO good!

  8. While you've got him doing that, you need to get a thing of hay and some pumkins for your front yard!

  9. I'm with you Jessica... gotta get those Fall decorations out! We're going back to Wisconsin in Oct. where I grew up and I can hardly wait!! Everyone back there decorates for Fall big-time, unlike here in Phoenix where it is still sooo hot.
    SOOO looking forward ot taking lots of pics and getting out of this heat for a couple weeks!
    Sooo excited about your Open House! LOVE your new home! What an awesome husband you have Jessica!

  10. wow, lots of comments. As to your card questions. The first one wasn't embossed although I did just buy one wiht my 40% off coupon. The lady bug wasn't die cut. my sis is an artist and is drawing stuff for me. Have a good week.

  11. Your blog is too cute! I'm gonna have to steal some decorating ideas from you. I almost bought a fall wreath for our door, but Tim thought I was crazy for thinking about it this early. Now I know I'm not crazy!
