
Friday, September 21, 2007

"The Best Kept Secret Award"

"Jessica - of Jessica McCash has become a blogger friend of late. I read her daily because her posts are young, fresh, domestic and also sweet. I don't know her personally but her blogs give me the impression that there's more than meets the eye with this girl!"- From "You're a Fly and You're Sitting on my Wall"

I am so excited to tell you that my blog has been chosen to win the award, "Best Kept Secret." Visit this link to see my award and nomination commentary! Thank you! I am so thrilled! : )

"Best Kept Secret" Award Website


  1. You deserve it! I am so happy I found your blog. You make me smile daily!

  2. yah, you're the bomb digity! I'm glad I get to know you in person ;)

  3. That's so great! I'm glad to see that others enjoy your site as much as I do. Keep making us smile!

  4. Wow Jessica, this is such a neat tool to keep in contact with people all over the world. When I was growing up in a time when computers were not even thought of. But the world has changed allot since then , all this high tech gagets.
