
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My Classroom

These are truly not "before" pictures- I worked a day before to even get my room in this shape. When you come in after the summer, everything is boxed up, and stacked right inside your door. So, what you are seeing is really day two, and not day one. I worked a ton today, Wednesday, in between getting my hair foiled at Spoiled on Joyce Blvd., and visiting my best friend, T.J.Maxx (big sale in NWA by the way! I got some cute stuff!) Tonight, David came and helped me work on my bulletin boards, which are floor to ceiling, wall to wall. They look completely different now, so disregard what you seeing above. Those pics are what it looked like in May. I make what I call my "library lounge" every year, and it is a whole book nook in the corner. It is probably my favorite center in my room. David hung paper to make grass, a sky and clouds, and a birthday station. I am going to cut out my laminated pieces tonight and work on my dog theme tomorrow. I have little gray bones cut out to put all the kids names on them. So stinkin' cute! I can't wait to show you what I have gotten finished. I alone laminated 27 feet of die cuts! Yikes! Good thing it is free to school employees. You could spend a fortune on that stuff. I tried to show you how long it is, but it took two shots- one starting at the banister and one ending at the fireplace. More school pictures to come!


  1. Last year your classroom looked great, so I'm sure this year it will be equally cute! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. Love the dog theme! And I really love the reading corner - that is so neat!

  3. I love love love Paula Deen. (borderline obsessive). She can make any food look good. Watching her show is making me fat though. ha! (check it out - she and I are even facebook friends!) ha!

  4. Lots to do to get ready for that first day back. Knowing you Miss Jessica you will be ready to go...Another group of kids coming up. Enjoy each & everyone of them, they each have alot to offer the class & you shape a life for alife time. I remember having teachers that were mean & not very kind. And I still remember it today, but I know you love the kids & they love you too...I've seen all your gifts.

  5. aw it looks so fun! i bet your classroom is going to be absolutely adorable! my cousin is a school teacher too so she went back this week also doing the same type of stuff so i am watching her 5 year old! have fun hanging everything!

  6. I love the dog theme!! It is so cute! Great idea. Your students are going to have so much fun with it.
