
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Green Bean Bacon Wraps

Zack, Amy, and Zayde spent the night Saturday night, and we all went to church together in the morning. Because we had our Connection Group kickoff Sunday night, it was easier for them to stay with us, than have to drive all over NWA. Sunday afternoon, they hung out at our place while we ran to the mall and Wal-Mart. Later that night, Amy and I whipped up a batch of green bean bacon wraps, covered in brown sugar and butter. They were a big hit at the pot-luck, and David even requested that I make them last night, but I was out of whole green beans. We are to so lucky to have Zack and Amy as friends! They are the kind of friends you can have over with your house a mess, no makeup on, and donning your mismatched P.J.'s! : )


  1. I LOVE green bean "bundles" (as I call them). I make them every chance I get! :-)

  2. Hi Jessica, this is Catherine from church. we met at South church. i just wanted to say hi, i like your blog. i started blogging recently our site is maybe i'll have some fun card on there soon. Hope to see you at church. Catherine

  3. Good times together... Good friends like Amy & Zack are hard to find.

  4. That was so much fun! We love staying with ya'll-it feels like home away from home. I already feel so comfortable in your new house! I hope that's not a bad thing:) Love Ya!!
