
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Camping Reservations

My Fall checklist included "Camping Out" as a "must-have!" this season.
Sadly though, we woke one morning this past week to find this in our front yard.
It was then I had to face the facts.
Camping just wasn't going to happen.
Henry is a tough baby and all,
but nursing in a cold little tent with snow possibilities is cray-cray.
So, I did what any mother with a unfulfilled checklist does.
I moped and shuffled.
And David, apparently, felt sorry for me {ha!}
because he came home with gifts:
PVC pipe, painter's drop cloth, and accessories.
His engineering mind to the rescue!
And an indoor eight foot tent with a 12 pitch roof was born in our formal living room.

Painter's drop cloth {$7!} covered the entire frame

And it was decorated with tree limbs, foliage, camping lanterns, and a reservation sign.
Just for us.
And my checklist.
: )

And we had a two-night camp out complete with all things "outdoorsy."
It was whimsical and flowy and like a movie set in our house for a few nights.

With room for the entire family, we ate popcorn and cupcakes,
 read camping books, and snuggled under sleeping bags.
To say the kids had fun is a total understatement!

And the best part of "at-home" camping?
Having access to a real oven!
In the morning,
I treated everyone to a homemade brunch of hash brown and broccoli quiche!

And it was fantastic!

So, I'm happy to report that.....

{I'll add this under "tutorials" at the top, in case you want to camp indoors, too!}
 photo signature_zpsf4b92bae.jpg


  1. I love it! Better yet all my boys would love it!! Tomorrow just so happens to start fall break and due to a nasty stomach virus that I dont want to risk re-occuring our real vacations has been postponed. This may be the perfect activity to keep us entertained!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!! Kemper

  2. So much fun!! I might just steal your idea. :)

  3. Indoor camping sounds much better to me! I think the best thing would be the indoor plumbing!
