
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Beads, Books, and Babies

My cousin, Rachel, plays in the Arkansas Razorback Marching Band, and was selected to travel and play in New Orleans for our Sugar Bowl. Even though we lost, she made friends with members of the other band's team, had a great time on Bourbon Street with her friends, and even managed to bring Harbor William a neat collector's set of Razorback Mardi Gras beads. Thanks, Rach!

Harbor has a big Ziploc bag full of colored cars and lately he has been really into lining them up by color. He knows red, blue, green, and yellow and can name lots of items in the house by color. When we are driving, he even knows that green means, "Go, daddy!" We love to laugh at our silly little boy.

The last few days have passed so quickly, but I have managed to take my daily picture... or as you can see, daily pictures. I haven't felt great which hasn't helped, but I spent the day in bed resting yesterday and feel a bit better today. When you teach, you come in contact with so many sweet kiddos and their not so sweet germies. I had my hair appointment today and since I felt a bit more rested, we ended up going to the library to grab some books for Harbor.

We have snow in the forecast for Sunday and Monday and I know he will enjoy having new books around to entertain him. I also made a few much needed cards during his nap. So many of my friends are having babies! Baby cards are the best!

Here is a closer picture of my hair from my appointment. I considered cutting it all off- I am a huge fan of short hair and David prefers it shorter, but I have been growing it for so long that I didn't have the heart to cut it just yet. I rarely wear it down and straight, but you can see how long it is and the pretty golden highlights Lyndsey added. I'm SUCH a ponytail girl, but I am working on that. Ha, ha!

And, last but not least, here are the baby cards I hope to mail soon

Looking forward to the pretty white stuff (hopefully) starting to fall tomorrow!


  1. "lucky shirt" my butt! A lame excuse to wear something super ugly! LOL

  2. I love your new format...where do you get it?

  3. I love the present Rachel brought Harbor! How fun! Your cards look awesome. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  4. I have never seen your hair long and straight!! It looks SOO different!!!! cute tho...I am a ponytail girl why I have kept my hair sort for 2.5years now :) I love it. but I do sometimes wish I could grow it out in a second.

  5. I love your hair! Definitely a fun change!

  6. I'm secretly hoping there won't be snow! I know, one of the few teachers in NWA that doesn't want a snow day! Haha. I just have too much I need to get done this week, and a snow day would stress me out! haha

  7. I wish I were as crafty as you girl!! Love the baby cards!

    Your hair looks beautiful!

    Harbor is just too cute!

  8. LOVE your new layout! I wish you lived closer so I could be doing some of my classroom observations for grad school in YOUR class! Would love to hear all your amazing stories and experiences!
