
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Under Construction

Thank you again to those who left comments- as of today, I have close to 170 comments to sort through- and I promise I will read every single one.
 : )

We have been so busy with Christmas activities that my new blog has taken a back seat for the time being, but no worries! I haven't blogged once since shutting down this blog, so you are not missing out on anything too exciting.

I'm hoping closer to Christmas that I will have time to respond to each of you.
So please don't panic if you haven't heard back from me-
the new blog is still under costruction,
but I will be in touch soon!

Until then, Merry Christmas!
Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thank You!

You guys are amazing! So far, upwards of 100 comments to review, blogs to check out, and emails to verify, but I'm excited to have so many of you along with us on this journey. : )  You may notice the blog is shut down throughout the day and that is because if I'm not available to babysit it, I close it down until I can come back. Long, sad story, but just the way it is right now until I can make some changes. 

I hope to leave it open for you to comment if you are interested for a few more days, so please let me know. I can't guarentee everyone, but I will try my best!
{Comments will not be published or shared}

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

New Blog Coming After Christmas! {will be private until then!}

If you would like to continue to follow us, please leave a comment with a link to your family blog.
These comments will not be posted, but only seen by me.
: )
{Kelly R. in Chicago, leave a comment with your email- won't be published or shared, of course.}