
Friday, March 27, 2009

Look Who's Rolling Over!

Spring has arrived! And with it, unpredictable weather, storms, and wind! I do love this time of year, though. Spring reminds me of Calvary and the cross, new life, and the changing of seasons. In the McCash family, we have so much to be thankful for!

Harbor is such a blessing! He is a smiley, handsome, little ham for the camera these days. We are so thankful to both have good careers in this economy so that we can care for him the way we want to. We have always believed in having and maintaining a substantial savings account, and with the hard times of this recession, we are so glad we have stuck to our convictions about how to save and spend money. Everyday I wake up to go to teach, I thank God for blessing me with job security.

My mom is a wonderful example of service- she takes care of Harbor and he loves his Gigi! Thanks mom, for being so kind! She always tells me that I don't need to pay her for keeping Harbor, but I do because I want her to know how much I appreciate what she does for us as a family.

Harbor is trying to sit up, and now that he has some head control, we have enjoyed packing him around in his Noah's Ark sling he received at Christmas. Thanks to the Dean family in Texas for the handmade sling- we love it!

Spring photo session in our front yard- mommy and Harbor William. : ) Can life be any sweeter? I think not.

Play time in the afternoon-photos courtesy of Harbor's Gigi. : )

I cannot even fathom having a little girl now that I have Harbor! Isn't that funny how that works? I'm sure those of you with girls feel the same way about little boys. I've told David that I would love to be that mom with four boys in tow! : )

David and Harbor are really funny together. David is definitely a hands-on daddy, and I know Harbor loves the contrast of our personalities. David is louder and much more aggressive than I am, and, boy howdy, does Harbor love it!

Our neice, Danielle, turned five this month and we celebrated at David's mom's house. Harbor had fun playing with baby Gregory, who is only nine days younger.

After I get home from work most days, mom and I have mini photo shoots. It is lots of fun and I know I will never regret taking so many pictures of HW when he is little. BUT! Will I take this many of all of our kids, should we have more in the future? That thought is daunting...

With the warmer weather, David is usually riding his Goldwing to work, and not his jeep. Even with the lure of his new jeep, his motorcycle still wins out on warm days. Bichon can hear him pulling into our culdasec and starts barking, so I ran downstais to our walkout basement garage to snap a picture oh him coming home from work. We love quittin' time when daddy gets to come home!!

Mom does such fun activities with Harbor! I always love hearing about their "adventures". Last week, they planted flowers in our outdoor pots.

Harbor held the egg noodles while I cooked dinner one night last week. If he has a future as a chef, maybe he will never move out? Works for me! :) Ha, ha!

Look who had another weekly birthday? It is the same boy who has started rolling over! Yippee!

Granny and Aunt Cathy come to visit!

David and I love Miss Rachel. We take her out to dinner almost every weekend.. we remember what it was like be broke, college students. : ) We appreciated the kindness of meals back then and we try to pass it on whenever we can. She has such a sweet spirit about her and Harbor loves her pretty, long blonde hair.

David turned 28 this month and we celebrated at my parents' house. David took Rachel and her room mate Ashley out 4-wheeling in the jeep. Rachel decided to keep her new white Honda safe in the driveway. Ha, ha!

When mom heard that Harbor had rolled over, she made him a "Happy Rolling Over" basket. We had a great time and David appreciated all the wonderful gifts. Thank you, family!

My parents have repainted their room and have taken the wallpaper down. I wanted to show you how prety the paint color turned out!

Brandy Foshe at Foshefotos took Harbor's three month pictures. I have used many of them to create his new Easter card. Brandy has been given such a unique talent in photography. She did such a great job!

Fellow blogger, sweet Elizabeth, makes the CUTEST Christmas ornaments, and since I love Christmas, I went ahead and ordered four ornaments a few weeks ago. Isn't Elizabeth cute? She was so warm and friendly and we hugged like old friends! Visit her blog to order some of your own!

Wednesday we went to Harbor's 4 month Dr. visit. He was above the 95% for height, measuirng in at 27 inches. He is one tall little fella! His weight stayed at the 75% at 15 lbs. It was fun to have Gigi and daddy go with us! There are so many people who love Mr. HW!

Have a blessed week!